Chicago Stags all-time best players

Played in NBA between 1946 and 1950

Previous names: None.

Best players and coaches in the history of Chicago Stags in the NBA. Best performers in regular season and playoffs, and most winning team coaches.

Franchise all-time best players (Regular season)

Max Zaslofsky235----1.6--17.9
FG: 33.8 3P: -- FT: 80.7 ST:-- TO: --
Andy Phillip157----4.9--11.6
FG: 34.6 3P: -- FT: 67.2 ST:-- TO: --
Stan Miasek174----0.9--9.6
FG: 33.5 3P: -- FT: 60.1 ST:-- TO: --
Odie Spears125----2.0--9.9
FG: 33.9 3P: -- FT: 67.7 ST:-- TO: --
Chuck Gilmur155----1.4--6.0
FG: 32.4 3P: -- FT: 56.4 ST:-- TO: --
Kenny Rollins125----2.4--5.8
FG: 30.6 3P: -- FT: 74.1 ST:-- TO: --
Gene Vance104----2.1--9.4
FG: 30.2 3P: -- FT: 67.4 ST:-- TO: --
Jim Seminoff108----1.4--6.8
FG: 30.7 3P: -- FT: 61.3 ST:-- TO: --
Leo Barnhorst67----2.1--6.5
FG: 34.9 3P: -- FT: 69.8 ST:-- TO: --
Frank Kudelka65----2.0--6.7
FG: 32.6 3P: -- FT: 63.6 ST:-- TO: --

Franchise all-time best players (Playoffs)

Max Zaslofsky20--0.00.8--16.8
FG: 32.6 3P: -- FT: 74.8 ST:-- TO: --
Andy Phillip9--0.03.1--11.0
FG: 31.2 3P: -- FT: 81.6 ST:-- TO: --
Chuck Gilmur18--0.00.8--6.2
FG: 23.6 3P: -- FT: 64.1 ST:-- TO: --
Jim Seminoff16--0.01.0--7.8
FG: 24.2 3P: -- FT: 66.7 ST:-- TO: --
Stan Miasek8--0.00.5--12.1
FG: 37.5 3P: -- FT: 59.5 ST:-- TO: --

Franchise all-time best coaches (most wins)

Harold Olsen39563.601711.389

Players choice showed in this page is automatically generated and updated depending on objective criteria -player stats and games played with the team- and it doesn't represents the web editors' opinion.