Washington Wizards - 1995-96 season

Roster and regular season and playoffs stats

Washington Wizards: Players stats for the 1995-96 regular season

J. HowardPF818140.722.
FG: 48.9 3P: 30.8 FT: 74.9 ST: 0.8 TO: 3.7 PF: 3.3 EF: 21.5
R. WallaceC655127.510.
FG: 48.7 3P: 32.9 FT: 65.0 ST: 0.6 TO: 1.6 PF: 3.2 EF: 10.8

P.- Position GP.- Games played GS.- Games started MIN.- Minutes played PTS.- Points scored RB.- Total rebounds BL.- Blocks AS.- Assists FG.- Field goals 3P.- 3-pointers FT.- Free throws ST.- Steals TO.- Turnovers PF.- Personal fouls EF.- Efficiency=PT+RB+BL+AS+ST-TO-(FGA-FGC)-(FTA-FTC)