Indianapolis Olympians record in the NBA

were in NBA from 1949 to 1953

Previous names: None.

Indianapolis Olympians results in NBA history by season. NBA titles and finals, wins and losses in regular season, points scored and received, regular season final place and playoff round reached.

You can also access to Indianapolis Olympians roster in each season and the full season standings.

NBA titles and finals





Indianapolis Olympians all-time NBA seasons

Standings by season
SeasonWLW/L %PPGPPGAP.Playoffs
1952-532843.39474.677.44Lost Western Division Semifinals
1951-523432.51582.982.83Lost Western Division Semifinals
1950-513137.45681.784.14Lost Western Division Semifinals
1949-503925.60985.882.11Lost Western Division Finals
(*) W.- Won games. L.- Lost games. % W/L.- Win-Loss percentage. PPG.- Average points scored per game. PPGA.- Average points per game allowed. P.- Conference/division position in regular season (NBA conferences were created in 1970-71 season)