Cincinnati Royals - 1958-59 season

Roster and regular season and playoffs stats

Cincinnati Royals standings in 1958-59 regular season

Cincinnati Royals: Players stats for the 1958-59 regular season

J. TwymanF72--37.725.89.1--2.9
FG: 42.0 3P: -- FT: 78.3 ST: -- TO: -- PF: 3.8 EF: 22.5
D. PiontekF72--23.310.65.3--1.7
FG: 37.5 3P: -- FT: 68.7 ST: -- TO: -- PF: 2.3 EF: 9.7
W. EmbryC/PF66--
FG: 38.7 3P: -- FT: 65.6 ST: -- TO: -- PF: 3.5 EF: 13.7
B. BockhornG71--31.710.26.5--2.9
FG: 38.1 3P: -- FT: 70.4 ST: -- TO: -- PF: 3.0 EF: 12.1
J. PalmerC/PF67--
FG: 40.4 3P: -- FT: 72.4 ST: -- TO: -- PF: 3.1 EF: 11.7
J. McCarthyG47--38.912.94.8--4.8
FG: 37.3 3P: -- FT: 66.7 ST: -- TO: -- PF: 3.4 EF: 12.5
A. DeesPF/C68--
FG: 35.6 3P: -- FT: 77.9 ST: -- TO: -- PF: 1.7 EF: 8.0
M. ParkG/F33--
FG: 40.1 3P: -- FT: 77.0 ST: -- TO: -- PF: 2.2 EF: 10.7
J. ParrC66--
FG: 35.5 3P: -- FT: 60.3 ST: -- TO: -- PF: 2.1 EF: 5.5
S. GreenG20--33.312.57.0--4.3
FG: 37.3 3P: -- FT: 68.5 ST: -- TO: -- PF: 3.3 EF: 14.2
L. StavermanPF57--
FG: 47.0 3P: -- FT: 76.3 ST: -- TO: -- PF: 1.8 EF: 6.9
V. HattonG22--
FG: 31.9 3P: -- FT: 66.7 ST: -- TO: -- PF: 2.5 EF: 5.4
P. RollinsG21--
FG: 37.5 3P: -- FT: 77.8 ST: -- TO: -- PF: 1.4 EF: 9.0
T. MarshallF/G18--
FG: 29.1 3P: -- FT: 62.1 ST: -- TO: -- PF: 1.2 EF: 4.2

P.- Position GP.- Games played GS.- Games started MIN.- Minutes played PTS.- Points scored RB.- Total rebounds BL.- Blocks AS.- Assists FG.- Field goals 3P.- 3-pointers FT.- Free throws ST.- Steals TO.- Turnovers PF.- Personal fouls EF.- Efficiency=PT+RB+BL+AS+ST-TO-(FGA-FGC)-(FTA-FTC)

Cincinnati Royals in the 1959 NBA playoffs

Team not classified